Please report to a public authority as quickly as possible. This may be the police, an Ausländerbehörde (immigration authority), a reception centre or a Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (Federal Office for Migration and Refugees) branch. Say that you would like to apply for asylum. The officials there will refer you to accommodation in a nearby reception centre. You will be taken care of here and given the first pieces of information you need on the asylum procedure in Germany.
You will also receive a temporary identification document: a proof of arrival ("Ankunftsnachweis") or certificate of registration as an asylum seeker ("Anlaufbescheinigung").
Proof of your arrival is very important.
The proof of arrival or certificate of registration as asylum seeker are identity documents and allow you to receive asylum applicant benefits such as food, drink, accommodation, clothing and health and personal hygiene items. You will also receive an allowance which you can use for your personal, everyday needs.
Report to the authorities quickly!
Please report to the public authorities as quickly as possible, otherwise you will be residing in Germany illegally and may be deported. Your asylum procedure can only begin quickly if you follow the instructions of the public authorities.