- Welche Rechte habe ich?

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Asylum procedure

What are my rights?

A young man smiling

It is your right that a proper asylum procedure be carried out. This also includes the right to a personal hearing. You can make requests as to the sex of the interpreter and decision-maker.

Hearing by a special representative

Unaccompanied minor refugees, victims of torture, the traumatised and victims of gender-related persecution and people who have a justified fear of persecution because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, as well as victims of human traffickinghave the right to a hearing by a special representative. These are decision-makers who are specially trained for these cases.

If you file an asylum application, you have the right to asylum applicant benefits until a decision has been made on your asylum application. This includes food and drink, commodities such as bedding, hygiene items, cutlery and clothing.