- Die Registrierung

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Asylum procedure


Applicant's fingerprint being scanned

All individuals who report as asylum-seekers in Germany are registered. This is done by the federal or regional police forces at so-called PIK stations, BAMF (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge – Federal Office for Migration and Refugees) employees and federal state employees. You must provide your personal details when you register, which means your name, country of origin, date of birth, religion, language and ethnicity. Your fingerprints will also be scanned at the latest when you apply for asylum. No fingerprints are taken from children under the age of 6. The fingerprints are compared with national and European databases.

If you do not register, you will be residing in Germany illegally and run the risk of being deported.

Why will I be registered multiple times?

You may be registered multiple times because different authorities require different information from you. If you have already received proof of arrival (Ankunftsnachweis), multiple registrations will no longer be necessary.