German is the language spoken nearly all of the time in German companies. If you want to work, you will have to learn the language as well as technical terms in the workplace.
There are sponsored courses which combine German lessons and professional qualifications. These are known as professional language courses ("Berufssprachkurse").
A course usually has 400-500 lessons and lasts about five months if you attend the course every day. The prerequisite for participation is that you have already attended the integration course or have proven German language skills at language level B1 of the Common Europe-an Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). You can obtain a corresponding entitle-ment to participate from your employment agency ("Arbeitsagentur") or your job centre ("Jobcenter") or directly from the Federal Office ("Bundesamt").
Further information on professional language courses ("Berufssprachkurse") is available from your local employment agency ("Arbeitsagentur") and online.