- Spielend leicht Deutsch lernen mit anderen Kindern

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Learning German easily by playing with other children

Children with a migration background learning at the Franckesche Stiftungen

Children learn more quickly than adults. This even applies to German. They practice words and grammar while playing with children of the same age. Small children in Germany who do not yet attend school can spend their day at nursery ("Kindergarten"), where their development and language skills are encouraged. From the age of three, children attend Kindergarten, which is the best preparation they can have before starting school.

Crèches (Kinderkrippen) for the youngest

Very small children have the right to a place at a crèche (Kinderkrippe) from the age of one. Your daughter or son will naturally get something to eat and drink at Kinderkrippe or Kindergarten. If your children are not allowed to eat or drink certain things, you can tell the staff. The nursery nurses ("Erzieher/innen") will change your children’s nappies and comfort them in a caring way when necessary.

Kinderkrippe and Kindergarten are not usually free of charge, but the youth welfare office ("Jugendamt") can pay the costs. You can also learn more about the situation at the Jugendamt. There is not always an immediate place available for your child. You may have to wait, but you should try to give your child this chance.