- Kinder sind besonders geschützt

Navigation and service



Children are especially protected

Father and son

The rights of children and young people are very important in Germany. They are protected by numerous laws and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Children have a right to an education, for example. They should learn and develop their abilities. Child labour is forbidden.

One of the most important children’s rights is a non-violent upbringing. Children may not be hit, by teachers or by parents. The German state does not usually get involved in the parenting of children. One exception is if parents neglect or hit their children. In cases such as these, the police or Jugendamt (youth welfare office) get involved.

Children and young people can call the following hotlines anonymously if they are having problems

National Telefonseelsorge (crisis helpline)

+49 800 1110111 or +49 800 1110222

(24 hours a day, free of charge)

Nummer gegen Kummer (crisis helpline)

Parents‘ hotline +49 800 1110-550

Children and young people‘s telephone: 116 111

(free of charge)