You can get around easily on public transport in Germany. This means by train, underground train ("U-Bahn"), suburban train ("S-Bahn"), tram and bus. You must buy a ticket before you travel on public transport, even if you only want to make a short journey. You can buy tickets at ticket machines and sometimes there are also points of sale where employees will sell you the tickets. On buses, you can usually buy the ticket from the driver.
Travelling without a ticket can put your asylum application ("Asylantrag") at risk
The ticket prices are often calculated according to distance, known as "Tarifzonen", or tariff zones. People travelling without a ticket are punished. Do not travel without a valid ticket! If you are caught without a ticket, it may put your asylum application ("Asylantrag") at risk. You must also pay a fine.
Look out for concessions
If you are travelling around town on public transport all day, it is best to buy a day ticket ("Tagesticket"). This is cheaper than buying multiple single tickets ("Einzelfahrkarte"). There are more lower priced tickets for people who use public transport frequently, for example ten-ride tickets ("Zehnerkarte"), monthly tickets ("Monatskarte") and yearly tickets ("Jahreskarten"). Ask about them at the points of sale.