Germany’s roads are sometimes very busy. They are full of cars, cyclists and pedestrians and accidents occur every two minutes. Here are a few tips to remember if you are involved in an accident:
110 and 112 - Calling the Police and Emergency Services
Call the police ("Polizei") on the telephone number 110 if you have had an accident. You may be in shock and not know what to do. The police will help you.
You must always call the police if there are injuries or major damage. You can contact the emergency services and fire brigade by dialling 112. Briefly tell them what has happened on the phone. Also say whether there are any injured people and how many, and make sure you wait until the police arrive. This usually only takes a few minutes. Also make sure that the scene of the accident is secured so that no further accidents occur.
Beware: hit and run ("Fahrerflucht")
You should always inform the police, even if the damage is minor; if you damage another car while parking, for example, or scratch a car while riding a bike. If you drive or ride away without waiting for the owner of the damaged car, you are committing hit and run. This is a criminal offence with considerable consequences.