- Was tun bei Krisen, Streit oder Gewalt in der Familie?

Navigation and service


Living together

What should I do if there are crises, arguments or violence at home?

A telephone receiver

Crises and arguments occur in all families, but if you argue frequently and it perhaps gets violent, you should definitely seek professional help. There are centres which provide free advice. The people there will help you quickly and non-bureaucratically. You do not have to give them your name.

Advice centres for children, young people and parents near to you and advice in your mother tongue can be found .

You can also receive advice by phone:

Elterntelefon des Deutschen Kinderschutzbundes (hotline for parents at the German Child Protection Agency):

+49 800 1110–550

The latest times when the parents' hotline is available can be found here.

Nationwide Telefonseelsorge (crisis helpline):

+49 800 1110111 or +49 800 1110222

(24 hours a day, free of charge)

Nummer gegen Kummer (crisis helpline)

for children and young people: 116 111

for parents: +49 800 1110-550

(24 hours a day, free of charge)

Phone helpline "Gewalt gegen Frauen" ("Violence against women")

+49 08000 116 016

(24 hours a day, free of charge, available in 15 languages)